Jan 05, 2010 22:32
to anyone who may read this;
i don't really use this journal much anymore. i made a new one finally. this one felt used up, outdated. i can never part with it, because it's so ingrained in me, it's got so much of my history in it. the person who gave it to me isn't even alive anymore.
i'm still going to update this one from time to time, but i've got a new LJ. If you want to be added to the other one, let me know. otherwise just stay on here, but expect infrequent updates. my other journal is far more interesting and creative, weird, truthful. and full of pointless rambling. oo and lots more pictures too.
okay?? i love you LJ, and i'll never abandon you. But the changes in my life have pointed me in a new direction and well, to a new username and a shiny new unfilled journal.