So London isn't as conducive to HP-fangirling as I thought.
Possibly because I:
- Don't have a scanner
- Don't have a life outside papers (10,500 words to write in the next two weeks OMFG)
- Have fallen ridiculously and utterly in love with someone who consumes all my waking hours
- Okay, half of the previous statement is not true
However, Teh Boyfriend/Teddy Bear and I saw HPGOF when it came out. (Why are movies so goddamn expensive in London? T_T)
Points of note:
- Yes, Daniel Radcliffe is still pretty
- Weasley twins still hot
I have many things to say about Cho, but will do at another date when I get Pantalaimon back. Stupid computer insists on breaking down when I have so many things to write for class.