Two year thing

Dec 07, 2007 01:01

Two years ago as of today….

How old were you? 17 1/2

Where did you go to school? Coon Rapids High School

Where did you work?Midwest Disability P.A.

Where did you live? Coon Rapids, MN

Where did you hang out? Tyler's house, my house

How was your hair style? non existent

Did you wear glasses? Yeah

How many tattoos did you have? None

How many piercings did you have? 5 I believe

What car did you drive? The same one I drive now...Dodge Spirit

What was your worst fear? Not getting to go to the college of my choice...failing

You been arrested? no

Had your heart broken? Nope I was in Loouve

Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter? Happily Taken


How old are you? 19

Where do you work? Midwest Disability P.A. when I am home and the NC Post Office at school

Where do you go to school? Northland College

Where do you live? Mead 100 Suite

Where do you hang out? my room, Margaret's room, Ty and Andrew's room, secret places....

Do you wear glasses? yes

What is your hairstyle? short and sassy...I love is so unique

Still talk to any of your old friends? some although I didn't really consider most of them friends...they were more acquaintances

Who is your current interest? Tyler

How many piercings? 7 total in my ears, lip and nose

How many tattoos? none

What kind of car do you have? same car...Dodge Spirit maybe a truck soon though

What is your biggest fear? failing myself

Has your heart been broken? Nope!

Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Happily taken by the same man

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