Jan 01, 2006 00:34

Don't believe me? Then read

SilentPhish: have you considered viagra?
xAlex90x: I'm a bit young for that
SilentPhish: well maybe not... there must be something wrong down there. why else would you be online on new years eve?
xAlex90x: Couldn't I ask the same of you?
SilentPhish: you know... taking saw palmetto daily can increase your penis size by up to 2 inches... phenomenal stuff
SilentPhish: well im a female
xAlex90x: I don't think I'll be needing any palmetto, thansk
xAlex90x: *thanks
SilentPhish: you must be pretty well endowed
SilentPhish: your confidence is bold young man
xAlex90x: Confidence has nothing to do with it
SilentPhish: so your hung like a horse i take it?
xAlex90x: I didn't say that, but I certainly don't need any enhancement
SilentPhish: so you are saying its small.
xAlex90x: Why the hell does it matter to you how big it is anyway?
SilentPhish: i understand... my boyfriend was small too until he started on the stuff
xAlex90x: That's fantastic
SilentPhish: well... i have slept with you on previous occasions... thought id give you a little advice... thats all
xAlex90x: Oh you have?
SilentPhish: lets just say that it was nothing ill be bragging to my friends about
SilentPhish: dont get me wrong... your cute and all
SilentPhish: but your equipment is lacking
xAlex90x: This is insane
SilentPhish: how so?
xAlex90x: because I haven't slept with you or anybody I don't know
SilentPhish: you know me
xAlex90x: okay then what is your name?
SilentPhish: i prefer to remain anonymous... just because i dont want things to be weird between us after this conversation.... i just hope you take my advice
xAlex90x: But you are LYING so I can't
SilentPhish: no i am not.
xAlex90x: Then prove it
SilentPhish: ok. ask me something about yourself
xAlex90x: No, prove that you slept with me
xAlex90x: tell me when and where
SilentPhish: that would reveal my identity silly!
xAlex90x: Not neccesarily
SilentPhish: well ok
SilentPhish: ive slept with you in your room
xAlex90x: and what does my room look like?
SilentPhish: it is small...
SilentPhish: you have a computer in it
SilentPhish: a tv
SilentPhish: a small bed
xAlex90x: that's not telling me enough
SilentPhish: a small fridge
SilentPhish: a microwave
SilentPhish: its in mu hall
SilentPhish: floor 3
xAlex90x: A microwave? Sorry, not me. You're making this shit up
xAlex90x: And I'm on floor 2, idiot
SilentPhish: i thought you had a microwave... anyone could have made those mistakes
SilentPhish: i dont have a photographic memory
SilentPhish: happy new year by the way
xAlex90x: and I don't let whores into my room
xAlex90x: in fact I don't let anyone in my room
SilentPhish: excuse me im not a whore
xAlex90x: Clearly you are if you are so concerned with my penis - hell, that's how you started this conversation\
xAlex90x: Nice try, though
SilentPhish: well whatever alex
xAlex90x: You better get to bed soon - don't you have an appointment at the abortion clinic tomorrow?
SilentPhish: LoL very clever
xAlex90x: Oh not as clever as coming up with an entire fake story about knowing me
SilentPhish: i do know you alex... very well
xAlex90x: Really? Your "" profile suggests otherwise
xAlex90x: nice picture, by the way
SilentPhish: by the way, happy new year sweetie
SilentPhish: what plentyoffish profile?
xAlex90x: I am a 20 year old full-time student at the University of South Florida. I am a vegetarian and an environmentalist. I love animals, life, and a kind heart. Contact me on AIM (screen name: SilentPhish) if you would like to know more about me.
xAlex90x: doesn't ring a bell?
xAlex90x: Oh no - that's not you
xAlex90x: of course not
xAlex90x: somebody stole your SN!
xAlex90x: Or you are using a friend's
SilentPhish: oh thats my boyfriends profile
xAlex90x: so you can be anonymous!
xAlex90x: Of course!
xAlex90x: And your boyfriend is seeking a woman?
SilentPhish: we met through that site
SilentPhish: no he just never deleted it
xAlex90x: And you expect me to believe I would ever sleep with a girl who has to go on internet dating sites to meet a guy? That's pathetic
SilentPhish: there are tons of people that meet on the internet sweetie
xAlex90x: I'm not talking about pedophiles
SilentPhish: your so witty! thats what i liked about you
xAlex90x: I would also never sleep with someone who would confuse "you're" with "your"
SilentPhish: ok... how would i know you lived in mu
SilentPhish: i dont "confuse" them... its easier
xAlex90x: So you're that lazy?
xAlex90x: You MUST be fat then
SilentPhish: just like you in bed.
xAlex90x: Yes, that is where I sleep
SilentPhish: no hun... ive got a body to die for.... have your ever slept with a fat girl?
SilentPhish: now that i think about it... im sure you have with a cock like yours
xAlex90x: Apparently if I had slept with you I did
xAlex90x: Which is probably why you thought my bed was "small"
xAlex90x: By the way, what color were the sheets?
SilentPhish: good one.... but they call it a single bed for a reason
SilentPhish: its not meant for two hun
SilentPhish: blue
xAlex90x: Sorry - is that photographic memory working up again?
SilentPhish: color blind
xAlex90x: Color Blindness only effects your ability to see yellow and green.
xAlex90x: You must have been wearing sunglasses the entire time
SilentPhish: now i remember! red
xAlex90x: Red bedsheets? Are you fucking joking? You must be a whore if you've slept with so many people you're confusing their sheets
SilentPhish: i dont study the sheets sweetie
xAlex90x: Nor do you study the person you're trying to harass enough, but nice try
SilentPhish: sweetheart.... you can think what you want... but i am not harassing you... just giving you a bit of advice
SilentPhish: i come with the best of intentions
xAlex90x: Oh, well thank you best friend
xAlex90x: Well I guess we'll have to have sex again - how else would you know I've improved after taking your advice?
SilentPhish: well do u want to meet up
xAlex90x: You know where I live - come knock on my door why don't you?
xAlex90x: Oh, or call me, you obviously have my number, I wont need to give it to you
SilentPhish: i have to have a card to get in
SilentPhish: id rather meet with you in person
SilentPhish: unless your in to phone sex
xAlex90x: Wouldn't that ruin your secret identity?
SilentPhish: well i am horny
xAlex90x: And your boyfriend sure doesn't care, huh?
SilentPhish: we have an open relationship
xAlex90x: Well I'll have to pass, I don't feel like getting crabs
SilentPhish: i wouldnt mind if you just licked it
xAlex90x: how charming
xAlex90x: Anyway, I don't feel like putting up with this bullshit anymore. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Funny stuff, eh?

(Happy New Year)


sex, chat log, funny

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