yea so yesterday night ernie stayed for a while last night and there was this party/b-day thing cuz tinas uncle.. and my mom was all proud cuz she got pix of heres some from last night xD
Lisa my dad and David u no u WANT his PIMP hat lol.
david lighting something
my ghetto brother and some kid..lmao doesn't he look like "ET"? cuz the light thing?
Carman (tinas aunt) then Niomie (tinas couson) and Jessica (tinas couson again)
Vicki (tinas mom) Lisa and Tina.
Lisa Tina..tinas grandma then Ernie lol he looks so scared xD
awww lol look at that face!!
Creig (sp?) Niomie Carman and Rob tinas dad
everyones all happy! but look at ernie lol... :( hehe j/k
Lisa Ernie and Muah. looking at the cake and taking out the candles.
good god shes so alert!
never looks at the camera
Tina spent the night for reason u don't need to know. Woke up about 11ish then went online and then went downstairs and watched my brother swim and my dad clean the BBQ cuz yesterday tinas dad cooked 20 FUCKING POUNDS of ribs! yea then um tina got up about 1 and lisa and i went to subway and came back then we all watch Gothika. LMAO there was this part that i knew would scare tina and i didn't tell her and then at the exact second that it happend ( i was sittin next to her) and then yelled her name and turned around really fast and she got so fucking scared! then we watch Mona Lisa Smile... then we droped tina off at home and we went to the Islands for Dinner. I didn't say anything the hole time except for when i orderd something...i was pissed for some reason and thinking of things. all i had was fries and a shake. well got home about 30 mins ago and yea. 2maro ernies coming over and mhm.