xD today

Jul 06, 2004 21:20

today i woke up at 5 in the morning cuz i had a "nightmare" fucking scared the shit outta me lol. uhh fell asleep and then woke up at 9 took a shower went online talked to ashley and ernie. then ashley came around 10:30?!?! lol i don't memeber but we made Cup of Moddles ;) lol..then Ernie and JD came and we hung out lol but i was nervous cuz i thought my dad was going to come home..so we all went in the park with our Cup of Moddles and had our "forks" lol and when we were done with them we were talking and then i got "mad" and then i threw it on the ground and it was soo funny cuz it got stuck in the ground and was sticking up lol.
*in the meantime* (lol)

lisa was talking to the baltimore kids and they were fucking annoying... and..yea um then i called my dad and yea then we went back to my house and watched Gothika and orderd pizza LMFAO i said something i don't member about the pizza and then i asked ernie ashley lisa and JD wut they wanted on it and then like a min later i duno how i ended up saying it but i said "were going to have half cheese and half pizza." [sigh]..
later it was about 2ish and we had to see a movie at a certain time...so we left and didn't finish Gothika and ashley went home.... we went on the bus which WAS FUCKING FULL!! so we just stood toward the front and then the bus driver got mad at us and said "WUT ARE U GUYS WAITING FOR MOVE BACK!!!!!" yea she was ghetto..moving on me ernie JD and lisa saw 3/4ths of spiderman 2 cuz i had to go to stupid rally night at 6:30. so yea we walked alot. then i got home and ernie and JD left and me my mom and my brother walked to the Y! OMG I SAW MY LOVER:MICHELE!!<33333 lol i haven't seen her in forever! yea so saterday is gunna be nice ;) lol..then i got home had dinner yumm pasta then went online..went in the park with lisa at about 8ish? and stayed untill like nine and was on the phone with ernie. now im just talking and ramboling sooooooo bye bitches ;)

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