Your Name? Morgana
Your LJ? I have two, one is Countessm for my regular posts and one is lady_tsepesh for poetry and stuff like that.
Your age? I am 16 years old.
Where you are from? Mesa, AZ
Are you Male/Female/Trans/etc? I'm a female :)
Are you a wearer and/or an admirer of sexy boots? You know it :)
Do you own any yourself? If so What do you have and which are your favourites? I have about four pairs. My favorite right now are these black combat boots my stepbrother got for me who's in the army. And I have these sketcher's Gypsy-styled boots, my Doc Martens combat boots, and some riding boots that are in horrible condition.
What do you wear/like to see worn with sexy boots? I like to wear usually jeans with my boots as it is winter here, but sometimes if the weather's not too bad, I'll wear a plaid skirt with a black shirt. I also like to wear my cashmere thrift-store trench coat with my pants tucked into my boots for that militaristic look.
What is your ultimate sexy boot? Jack boots, 'nuff said. Those boots that go all the way up to your thighs, but not those shiny latex ones, I'm taling about the real leather jack boots.
Will you be posting pictures? Yup
Do you have any other fetishes besides sexy boots? Leather gloves, and riding crops yup...leather gloves ;)
How would you like to see this community develop? Is the current system working? Pretty much, the system seems to be going well. Although we could maybe have monthly themes and contests just for fun.
And here are the boots: