2000004 Grad!

Apr 25, 2004 13:13

I cant wait...we graduate in like 3 weeks, and then ill be FREE! ugh...i swear if i had to live with my mom more than these next four months, id shoot myself..she makes me fuckin crazy! Im so sick of ms schuebeles class...shes such a crazy ass bitch! ha ha...damnit, we have wuthering heights Qs due tomarrow, and then shes makin us memorize 2 paragrahs for tuesday! thats hard!!!! ughhhhh...some needs to run her over..lol
Anyways, grad bash was on friday, and it was pretty good, i hung out with christina dillon and eric, then met up with chippy after a couple of hrs--he escaped from being a chaperone...lol..then christina got sick and threw up like 4 times, and we took her to the lil first aid place so she could lay down, then her mom was pissed cause she had to come get her...she should have stuck it out...oh well...
Then we lost dillon and eric so chippy and i got to spend some time together : ) we sat down by the water and just hungout and kissed..it was sweet.. im so happy hes in my life...i love him to death...anyways(i wont talk bout him much more cuase i know it makes u nuts nae nae! haha)
I was sooo tired by the end of the night i wanted to pass out...ranae sat with me on the way back and she was upset...CAUSE OF SOME TWO-FACED people that go to our schoool...
theres a lot of 2 faced bitches at lake region...haha right renee?? ughhhh...atleast we got each other!
I did renees hair last night for lake gibsons prom, and it looked sooo hott....i twisted it all up around her head, and then put it in a ponytail in the middle and curled it everywhere...it look HOOTTT!
So, my stomach hurts like a bitch this morning...i think my period is fucked up cause i forgot 2 take my birth control today, so i got my period this morn and hopefully itll be gone in a few hrs cause i took double of the pill..haha probably cause i ate like 4 waffles my mom made and felt sick from all the sugar so i threw up...eeeek...
I feel like such a fat ass...i wont even get on the scale...like 2 weeks ago it was 128...but im not happy with that..i need to be more toned..sometimes i feel like im not good enough for chippy, or for anyone..
i need to get over all my bullshit for real...finally my cuts on my arm and cig burns are healing...theyll scar tho...oh well...itll remind me of the stupid shit ive done everytime i look at em...
Damn, i got sooo close to gettin chippy to let me go down on him on thursday..we were hangin in his car when he got off work...but my mom called and was like where the hell are you, i told u to be home an hr ago...oh well..i told him id get him later...i asked him if i was too aggressive...hes like nahhh....hahaha
i love him tho, for real...
Chippy gives me a reason to fix my life, hes like an inspiration cause he believes in me and tells me im strong and shiat...i was everything with eating and with abuse recovery to go well so that i can be free...and happy again...not drowning in my own sorrow and pain.....ugh, i have that abuse grp again on wed..the girls were kinda annoying...but ill see how it goes this week : ) i have faith something out there is gonna help me
anyways, gonna go watch tv and eat...(bad idea, i know!)
Peace out yall...have a good week
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