(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 23:00

So, to follow up my last entry:

My fast went well, although I did indeed stop at the 3 day mark. All in all however, I do believe it was worth it. Even to this day I still feel better, and my digestive system seems to be working better although I haven't been eating the best.

Furthermore on the weight loss front: I have set a new goal. Our school semester has been shortened to 16 weeks. So this first week, I have been planning.

This is a good way to keep time, and pursue a goal. So, cutting this first week out, the next 15 weeks will be devoted to me losing 40 lbs. Basically, less than 3 lbs. a week, which is a healthy pace, and perfectly attainable. So in any case, I'll be making entries, notes, and posting any other content I deem necessary into my secret bonus journal that nobody will know about until the 15 weeks are done. In which case I will link it, and whoever is interested will be able to see my progress (or lack of). Perhaps this will motivate people, which would be awesome.

I just want to be thin again!!!

It's sort of a sad day to realize, that even after losing 40 freaking pounds that I would still be in need of further weight loss!! It's amazing how quick it came on. The end of last semester, I was hovering around 185... holy moly.

Anyway, keep an eye out for that.

In other news, I've started school again. My beginning electrical class seems like it's going to be good. I have been teamed up with three other quick witted individuals with a genuine desire to learn. Also I have the same teacher who I had for a/c who is a really good instructor, and also funny, but kind of like the sarcastic pissed off at everything one liner kind of funny... debatabely the best kind of funny.

I'll have to feel out my engine repair class a little more it seems. So far, the teacher seems to ramble and keep a constant level of boredom at all times.

I'm also lacking much much sleep. I need to turn this around.

Maybe I'll call in tomorrow.
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