May 21, 2006 23:27
Well it is now week four of the CSIRO diet and I put on 200grms this week, I am therefore blaming my monthly :P since it clearly sucks!
Mum and I went shopping for clothes today, it was very depressing and I didnt try on one thing, since looking in the mirrors was depressing enough that I didnt want to know that the clothes wouldn't fit.
I found a dress that I really adore and is now my goal, I have to lose enough weight to look good in that dress.. which means excersise, which will always be a bitch. But right now I'm determined to look good.
Tomorrow I'm sure I'll get over it and be all MAR cant be bothered.
So far I have driven for 9 hours and something mins out of my 50 hours. Which is pretty good since I havent even had my L's for a month yet. I have another lesson on tuesday morning, I'm looking forward to it.
Last lesson I got 3 things signed off out of 30 so getting there, slowly... I do have 6 months to get it done so no rush just yet.
Well its time for bed, I'm trying to get a good sleep pattern going. Plus might have to get up early tomorrow, mum wants to get a fitted electric blanket. Maybe she'll let me drive!
Night lovelies!! MWA