(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 22:31

I found out Pierre had diabetes yesterday. He got so sick so fast.
He couldn't eat, or move. His hair fell out. He was going blind.
They put him to sleep today.
I'm gutted. Like someone tore out my insides.
I'm full of holes. I can't even breathe.
I know its for the best. It all just happened so fast.
Two days ago I thought he'd live til he was 110.
Today I'm just wishing I could've seen him one last time.
To say i'll miss him is such an enormous understatement.
I'll miss him until i'm in the ground with him.

he used to ram his head into the door over and over until you let him in.
he drank toilet water. a few times he fell in.
he'd fall asleep in the window sill and accidentally fall through the screen and get stuck on the roof for hours.
we thought he ran away when i was 11. turns out he climbed a tree, didn't remember how to get down, and ended up staying in it for 3 days.
he had a farting problem.
he snored.
if you'd put food in his bowl, he'd take it out and carry it into the dining room to eat it. he enjoyed a fine dining experience.
he would headbutt your bowl of cereal while you were eating it and try to drink whatever milk spilled out all over you.
he got some pretty terrible haircuts every so often that made him look like a lion-poodle hybrid. he could tell when you laughed at him.
he never bit or scratched anyone. ever.
he couldn't hiss because he couldn't really breathe through his mouth so he'd make a sort of popping, clicking noise the two times he got mad.
he was raped in the bushes by our neighbors cat, ernie. it was a very sad day. but always a trooper, he learned to moved on.
he was scared of ants.
he watched tv. he liked the discovery channel.
he didn't really meow so much as yell at you. he kind of moo'ed sometimes.
he'd try to eat your hair if you just got out of the shower or pool.
he got so fat that when he ran real fast, he'd topple over.
sometimes when he was sleepy he'd miss a stair or two and fall down the whole flight.
he licked himself when you scratched his butt.
we'd put a little tie on him for family pictures. seriously the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life.
he peed on santa when we went to get his christmas picture taken at the Petco.
he started to throw up in my room on purpose when i went to college because he was pissed that i left him.
whenever i came home, he was always so happy to see me. sometimes i'd honestly come home just because i missed him so bad.
i used to stay at home some nights just to kick it with him. watch some discovery channel.
he honestly had more personality than most people i know.
i loved him more than most people i know. and always will.
it's just so so hard impossible to imagine my life without him.
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