Oct 07, 2006 11:37
1. Open your music library
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credits: You're Better Off Dead - Children of Bodom
Waking Up: As You Sleep - Something Corporate
First Day at School: Texas With A Dollar Sign - Spitalfield
Falling in Love: The Girl Possessed - Alexisonfire
Fight Song: An Epic Of Time Wasted - Avenged Sevenfold
Breaking Up: Moral Threat - Social Distortion
Prom: Figure .09 - Linkin Park
Life's Ok: 12:51 - The Strokes
Mental Breakdown: Gone - Jack Johnson
Driving: Death Whispered A Lullaby - Opeth
Flashback: Leg of Lamb - Queens of the Stone Age
Getting Back Together: Never There - Strata
Wedding: Gaint in the Ring - Halifax
Birth of Child: What's It Feel Like To be A Ghost? - Taking Back Sunday
Final Battle: Basket Case - Green Day
Death Scene: Judith - A Perfect Circle
Funeral Song: Monteagle Mountain - Johnny Cash
End Credits: Passenger Seat - Death Cab for Cutie