-I bought it! I finally found some in a store! Tegoshi coming home exclaming cryptic things were a pretty common occurance, and Masuda had long ago stopped rushing out into the hallway to ask what he was so excited about.
But this time he knew. Masuda knew what the thing Tegoshi had bought was, and he seriously contemplated hiding out in the bathroom until someone came to save him.
Out of all the silly ideas that Tegoshi came up with, this had been the worst, and also the most impossible to talk him out of. He had decided one night that Masuda would look real badass with a sleevetattoo, to which Masuda had laughed and jokingly agreed, all to keep Tegoshi happy.
Weeks had past, and the topic of tattoos weren't brought up again, until two days ago, when Tegoshi casually informed him that he had been browsing the internet for cheap tattoo machines, but they were so expensive, so i thought I could just go out and get some needles and ink.
This time Masuda hadn't laughed, but instead gone ahead and dared Tegoshi to get a tattoo first, not thinking he'd agree to it.
But of course Tegoshi, ever the sore loser, had taken him up on that bet, and Masuda was pretty sure that the plastic bag he heard rustling in the hallway contained those dreaded two items.
He stuck his head out through the small crack in the bedroom door, and watched Tegoshi unpack his bag.
First a small pack with what sounded like needles, then a big white bottle with INK printed in black on it.
Masuda sighed.
He was a tiny bit greatful that Tegoshi had also brought home a bottle of strong alcohol, but with Tegoshi you never knew, that could be for sanitizing the needles.
Not that Masuda was afraid of the needles per se, it was the fact that he'd be commiting to putting something on his skin to stay there for the rest of his life.
That thought really irked him.
He didn't even know if he wanted to keep his job for the rest of his life.
-So I figured, that since it says here on the bottle “not for tattooing”, people must have tried it before us, to the point that the company had to put the warning there, and therefore it is completely safe. Tegoshi's logic made a whole lot more sense when they were drunk, Masuda decided.
They had play-argued about this for about an hour, all while steadily getting more and more intoxicated, and Masuda had to admit his defeat.
Tegoshi was very good at persuading.
There may have been kissing involved.
They had also decided on their tattoo motives.
Masuda pleaded that they'd start out small, with something that could be hidden if it turned out hideous, to which Tegoshi happily stated that he already knew what he was going to put on Masuda, and where.
-I was thinking, no I decided on a small T to start with, on your hip. Masuda didn't even flinch, he had been preparing for much worse things.
-Fine. Then you're getting an M, same place. The alcohol made him feel adventurous, and maybe this idea wasn't such a bad one after all.
-Fine. If we break up I can just turn mine into Mom. Tegoshi was grinned and winked at Masuda.
-And I can change mine to Tanaka Hitomi, so I'm fine too. Go right ahead. He winked back at Tegoshi, who muttered a i knew you liked her in a mock-insulted tone that Masuda knew to be fake, and picked up the needle.