Jun 24, 2008 18:11
so i went down to the alliance today because i phoned them yesterday to inquire about the next language course up, and the guy told me there was one today and thursday from 5:30-8:30, and i arrived there and BULLSHIT. there was no level 4! only level one. so now i apperantly have to wait till fall to continue my french studies, which im not too happy about unless i can find some community center type deal to take. so in the spirit of french im going to make this post bilingual so that any francophone friend i have on here is able to share in my frustration.
p.s. i have no pure francophone friends, so this translation is pretty much a waste of my time. i think i should do it anyways, and in light of me wanting to improve my french i think i will try to do it to some extent for all of my future posts.
alors je suis allée à l'alliance française aujourd'hui parc que je les ai téléphonés hier soir voir quand le cour prochaine sera. j'ai parlé au homme et il a dit il y avait un cour sur mardi et jeudi à 5:30 heure jusqu' à 8:30 heure. j'y arrivé et BULLSHIT. je ne trouve pas un cour là! maintenant je dois attendre jusqu' à l'autumn commencer mes études française, et je ne suis pas heureux avec-le!! si vous savez d'un centre de la community qui peut me offrir un cour française, dites-moi!!
if that was painful for anyone who speaks french, keep your snickering to a minimum. haha