iT'S A BOY! lol.

Mar 11, 2010 21:49

So. Monday February 15th. The day that changed my life forever.

I didn't sleep much.. but that was a given. I was up probably around 4ish. I got a shower. Did my hair. Did my make-up. Got dressed.. and slowly made it out the door. It wasn't a bad morning. and even though I was running late (on purpose) Douglas didn't even yell at me. lol. He even stopped in the middle of the living room to hug me for a few minutes. :)

We got to the hospital around 6. I was supposed to be there at 5:30. It really wasn't a big deal. No one seemed to care. My parents came in about 2 minutes after I got there to check in.

Douglas and I went back to my room. Room 8. He took my last belly picture and I got undressed. A few minutes later a nurse came in to get my IV ready. She didn't get it in my left arm.. She left me with a HUGE bruise. She finally got it in my right arm, but I bled ALL over. It looked like a massacre already! Shortly after that they started me on pitocin.

A little after 7 Dr. Singh came in to break my water. He also tried to do something else, but it hurt pretty bad (I can't remember what it was.. and writing this 4 weeks later probably doesn't help) They decided they would wait until after I got my epidural.

I was doing alright. The contractions hurt - but it wasn't TOO bad. I was around 4cm when I started feeling pretty sick. I felt like I was going to throw up with each contraction. & when the urge to puke would pass, the next contraction would start. I didn't actually throw up at all, which is nice. But, Ugh. I couldn't take it anymore. I decided to get the epidural. :)

From then on it was pretty smooth sailing. They kept telling me I was 9cm. But, We decided they were probably just telling me that.. bc my doctor wasn't around at the time.

My dad, Doug's mom, My mom and Doug were all there while I was in labor. It felt like it went pretty quickly. Especially now that I look back. I feel like there is a lot of lost time.

I guess around 1ish a few nurses and people came rushing into the room. The baby wasn't registering right on the monitor. It was pretty scary. I was crying :/ 1 minute we were all talking and whatever.. the next minute there are 5 people in the room, laying me back and pushing all around. I even heard someone say "c-section" ahh. So, then they said that everyone who wasn't going to be there for delivery had to go. It was really rushed.. and I cried when my dad left :( I kind of felt bad because Ms. Myra had to go too.. But, I really only wanted my mom and Doug there for delivery.

They got everything squared away with the baby. He started freaking out because of the pitocin.

The nurse said we were ready to push. I was like "what?!!! seriously!?!" lol. I had no idea. We pushed for a good 2 hours. Whew. I did a pretty good job. I only asked for a break once. I felt like I needed to get myself together so that I could try harder. I had to do a little pushing from my side because the baby kept getting stressed out with me on my back. But, once the doctor finally came into the room I was allowed to push on my back again. I liked that better.

The baby was coming down sideways.. So it was really hard to push him out. I think he would have come out MUCH sooner if he would have been the right way. Some of his head was out right from my first push! :)

Well, the doctor sat on the sofa the whole time I pushed and drank hot tea and read the newspaper. I was a bit irritated. He finally got up and got suited up for delivery a few minutes before 3:30. As he was getting himself ready.. I felt the need to push. This was the first and only time I actually felt like I needed to push. I said to the nurse "Am I allowed to push..? Because I think he is coming out?" They said go ahead.. and There he was! He was out! :) I had to stop pushing halfway through though because his cord was wrapped around his neck. That was HARD. I was all into it.. and they said his head was out.. then they tell me to STOP?! Ha!

He was born at 3:32. :) Douglas cut the cord. I tore 3rd degree. That was the worst part of the entire ordeal. I didn't feel much with the epidural. But, for me.. That makes the experience SO much more enjoyable.

Christian Douglas Candeloro - February 15th 2010 - 3:32PM - 7lbs 10.8 oz - 21 1/4 inches <3
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