and all I want to do is sleep.

Apr 15, 2010 15:37

So last Friday, as I mentioned, there were issues at work and I stayed a late night. Ended up working 5 hours of OT -- meaning a 15 hour day -- and then 2 hours OT on Monday to finish off.

More technical problems went down last night and I was here until 2:20am, making it 6 hours OT. As you might imagine, my brain is slightly fried and I feel like a zombie.

But somehow I'm in a pretty okay mood. Exhausted, but feeling good. This must be why things insist on fucking up so severely. Anymore, for whatever reason, I find myself not really feeling all that down, even when things truly get fucked over. Maybe it's the healing power of my Macbook Pro? It's so soothing.

Also and in pretty much entirely unrelated news, is it weird of me that I totally want to write fic about The Hunger Games? I don't even know what I would write; I just want to do it. (Okay, I lie. It's me, so I would probably write Katniss/Madge.)
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