Meme? Meme.

Feb 01, 2006 01:40

Remember how I'm always telling you guys that I don't ever ("Ever! Never-ever-ever in the history of never!") post memes? Well, you can go ahead and check the 5th sign of the Apocalypse because the day that I'm posting a meme.

You can thank skyblade for my downfall.

1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint.
2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or in how much it will suck!
3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you.

Here's malenky_devil's gorgeous drawing portraying my interest in vampires, forests and corsets. A truly talented artist and I confess to tripping over myself in my hurry to comment in her lj just so I could have one of her personalized cartoons:

Here's another awesome drawing by the one and only skyblade featuring my interest in barbeques, omgwtf and tentacles. He...gave me blue hair? What the hell, I'll roll with it:

My skillet lezopez's cracked-out rendition of my interest in [adult swim] with some buttsecks thrown in because I begged her. I love this girl:

kalliopeia is my latest lj friend (although we're both regulars at Snarkfest) and she did SUCH an adorable job of drawing my interest in dracula. She made him pigeon-toed. Literally:

And here, ladies and gents, is what can only be described as THE most hilarious drawing I've seen in a long, long, long time. And I've seen a lot of drawings. Give it up for spidey_88 and her brilliant portrayal of my interest in cats, dogs and corsets!:

(I cried laughter seeing this.)

darth_snarky's drawing on my interest in tentacles and spiffy handbags. See, why can't I have talent like this?

He also made me an icon on my declarations that I was a chained woman to LJ!

Thanks to sactokaos for creating this based on my interest in [adult swim], Aqua Teen Hunger Force and LOTR. Mattie sez: "I FOUND PAINT! And I cheated cause I realized I can't draw. All copy-writed images remain in tact because this is for non-profitable promotion."

wirrrn is officially a sick individual. He eschewed my interests and just went ahead and drew his rendition of my "menstrual vampire"(tm) story. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Many, MANY thanks go to vladspod for drawing my #1 interest: Wonder Woman. I think this captures what she TRULY thinks about the world.

(Also, watch this space because I'm still waiting for more as-of-yet-uncompleted drawings.)

Last but not least, here's a non-cartoony self portrait of me giving kind regards to the fabulous Live Journal maintenance team. Keep up the good work, fellas. I mean that.

Now I'm going to get drunk to get all in a Picasso frame of mind and shit. Fear my pallet!
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