Don't hate tha playah

Jan 27, 2006 01:26

I just bought myself the 100 icon add-on thingy for my lj and now I get to subject you all to the mad, mad creations I will produce when I'm feeling a little less apathetic to produce them! WOO hah! I got y'all in check!

That said, I want to talk about internet friendships for a bit, if I may. Last night I was talking to a good friend who seemed pretty upset about gaining and losing a couple of net friends who they thought they had connections with. I'm not entirely sure my friend completely lost those connections, but I have noticed a marked absence of these people in my friend's internet social circle.

I explained to my friend that this is the way the cybernetic cookies crumble: people meet, are thick as thieves for a while, then they meet other people to become thick as thieves with. It's a cycle and it's up to you whether you want that cycle to be vicious or not.

It used to upset me years ago. Very much so. Online messaging and chatrooms were new to me and opened up worlds. I'd start chatting on a daily basis with someone...anyone, male or female...think "Hey, this is great! A new best friend!" and suddenly the conversations would go from several hours a day, to several hours a week, to once a year, to nothing. Just shrivel up like a desiccated corpse.

And I'd go from feeling hurt to angry to disillusioned all the way back to hurt again. Imagine - something so fleeting and unreal affecting your life like that. But after a while you learn to just roll with it and enjoy it while it lasts. If you don't, you're going to find yourself pretty upset all the time with all the flakes that are out there.

I'm pretty happy with my own company, actually. Because I'm a maverick like that. Don't try analyzing me.

And anyway flakes aren't just limited to onlineification. Take why my LJ went Friends Only, for instance. It used to be open to all who cared to peruse it, but thanks to one douchebag who proved to be a faithless waste of my life, I am forced to deprive millions of readers.

(Ok, maybe not millions but it HAS to be at least, like, a hundred.)

This real life "friend" showed all the warning signs: lying, hypocrisy, treating other people like shit, selfishness. I was always of the "Well as long as she doesn't treat ME like that, we're cool" mindset. A wrong way to think, I know that now.

Inevitably, her moral bankruptcy bled into MY life and one day I was just like you know what? I'm not having it. And you could hear the screeching brakes I should've put on the friendship years ago for miles. Now she's not good enough to be privvy to even the most mundane trivialties of my life even if I do only talk about what brand of toilet paper I use. Hence, the Friends Only.

(I'm talking about you, Kirsten. Eat a bag of dicks.)

(Oh yeah, you can't read this anymore. Maybe I'll put a note on your windshield or something. "Dear Kirsten, you are cordially invited to a rotted dick and chlamydia buffet. Love, Sandra.")

My point? I have no point. Sometimes I just like to go on tangents about the plague that is the human race. If you worked where I worked, you'd feel entitled, too.

Weren't we talking about fiction? Probably not, so let's do so now. I still haven't picked up the new Stephen King (The Cell) since I was busy doing...well, nothing, really. I'm still getting used to this newfangled "days off" thing.

So I will pick up The Holy Grail the new book tomorrow and enjoy the hell out of it at work. Come on, people turning into zombies because of their cellphones? What's not to love? But you can be sure I won't be like that one asshead at my SK community who thinks it's a good idea to give the internet world at large a chapter-by-chapter spoilering.

Speaking of fiction, Oprah finally gets a delayed clue on the whole James Frey debacle: If it looks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be...a snowglobe! Because she's Oprah and says so!

They pay her hundreds of millions for what again? Oh, that's right. To be a stupid bitch.

I would like to take this time to say a big THANK YOU! to everyone who has not "tagged" me for the latest meme going around because, really, I hate those things. I do. Unless they're something exceptional that catches my imagination or something I come up with myself, I will not participate. All the tags in the world will never change that.

I used to do memes and the little quiz things years ago when I first created this LJ, but that was back when I was young and needed the money! pretty bored and had all of 3 readers. But now that I'm a stah, dahlink, I feel much more inclined to provide something other than a word generated yawn-in-a-box.

I hope you're appreciative of the fact, ye grasping and clawing mob.

And just in case you were in any doubt that I am indeed a fucker: It's Dark Asylum again, OH NOES! I would respond, but silence (not to mention writing well) really is the best revenge.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go kick a baby. Toodles!

ETA I: Just so you know, I'm not entirely confident that my time with LJ will last much longer with all these "innovative upgrades" they've been implementing, so before the whole thing goes south, I may just move to Greatest Journal. If the move does happen, it's not happening tomorrow so DON'T PANIC. However, I did want to give interested parties a very, very early heads-up and of course I would provide a friendly link so we can continue to be OMG BFF!


I feel it's no accident he shares the same birth date as he who is arguably the world's most brilliant of musicians -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Here's The General P Himself caring a lot:

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