Jul 06, 2005 01:15
1. Favorite scent: ralph by ralph lauren, the beach, cucumber melon, joey =)
2. Favorite way to relax: beach, nice cool shower, working out
3. Favorite movie you own: Garden State!!!!
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: hmm...i mean, i loved Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but it's not on dvd yet
5. Favorite male movie star: Adam Sandler!
6. Favorite female movie star: Jennifer Lopez
7. Favorite book genre: hmm lighthearted romantic comedy
8. Favorite clothing store: Pacific Sunwear, Victoria's Secret, Banana Republic (i lovvve having a boyfriend that works there!)
9. Favorite non-clothing store: FYE, Target
10. Favorite cartoon character: Peter Griffin haha
11. Favorite CD you own: any NFG cd
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: the Mae CDs...plus i lost my Jimmy Eat World CD (the self-titled one booo)
13. Pass the torch and tag five of your LJ friends! ok!!!!
Francesca, Heather, Shawn, Gina, Randy