Brencer <3
Things making my life atm: Pool tomorrow with michael and amanda. I am ridiculously excited. I have needed something to be happy about, something that is not bandom related that is. Dont get me wrong, I loved both Change and New Perspective but being happy about events happening in my own life just feel amazing.
The shore is less than two weeks away! Omfg, I have missed FI way too much. That place is where I feel the best; no one can ever take away the cool breeze from the ocean or the beauty of a sunrise.
I need to go to another concert. Maybe ill run into look alike bb!spencer? :)?
I have been talking to Alyssa a lot lately. Apparently shes a major hippie stoner now, like our own Ryan Ross. Hey Lyssie, in this AU we call life I was supposed to be Ryan D: But yeah, she went through a depressive time which we havent fully discussed yet but she recommends pot.
The girl still is and will always be my favorite. We havent talked in forever yet we just picked back up and had more 2+ hour long conversations. We miss each other so much and now that she lives in atlanta i hope i can see her soon!
~~~She wished me luck before I went to sleep last night. I'm lucky I have her :)
I am soso excited for my older sister Lauren. One of her friends is opening a t-shirt shop on 12th and Pine and hired her as one of the ~designers! I saw some of her ideas the other day when she came over and we were both glee faced together. I love my sister <3
I havent talked to Jacob in a reallyreally long time and I'm pretty sure I'm happier without him. I kinda miss our late night convos though :( Also, I miss nate. Is that weird??
I need to work on my school work. Not looking forward to it D:
Sorry for not cutting but I love you guys~~
*snuggles my flist*