Jan 06, 2011 01:28
I saw 'Black Swan' tonight with my best friend who was obsessed and determined to see it. I won't spoil it for you but I will say if you have a psychological background of any sort her issue is obvious. My best friend and I agree that the problem people are having puzzling out what happened in the movie is that they have no background in psychology.
In other news I don't know how long it has been since I posted but my mother's boyfriend has been in the hospital for about a week now I would say. He collapsed in a shopping center and found out he had been having heart attacks-which they mistook for him fainting. Thy operated on his heart and he has been sedated since basically and they did a CATSCAN tonight which I hope turns out well for my mother's sake. They have been together 7 years and she is obviously taking this hard. Her old boyfriend and my sister's dad died when we were younger and I hope this doesn't bring her back to that time. We also had our neighbor and my mother's good friend die in August and my cousin who my mother was close to died about a month ago. I just hope things work out well for her.
In other news, my cousin is looking at Universities and I will be leaving one soon! It's nice to have a topic to talk to somebody in y family about as we really don't have much in common and they never really know what to talk to me about. I've given him advice and promised my old things and I hope everything goes great from him. My applications aren't finished yet and I found a problem but I'm determined to get these things done and keep it moving.