Paper Faces on Parade....

Oct 14, 2010 11:51

[You are at a party. The main hall is extremely ostentatious looking. Rich silk carpets are lush underfoot, and elaborately carved pillars reach towards the domed ceiling and the tremendous chandelier that hangs above. Private sitting areas ring the dance floor, so that the guests can sit back, relax, and perhaps have a drink or three in between dances.

Looking around, you see no one you recognize, but that’s to be expected, really. The whole idea behind this party is to disguise yourself enough that even close friends might not know you.

Everyone is in a mask or costume of some sort. And with the copious amounts of food and drink available, inhibitions are down. Several of the sitting areas have their privacy curtains drawn, and the sounds of heavy breathing and moaning that the music can’t quite cover up indicate the guests inside are having more… intimate ‘dances.’

If you find yourself in need of fresh air, there’s a lovely terrace outside that leads into very extensive gardens, including a hedge maze. The sky is clear and the moon is full tonight, so no fear of getting lost in the dark.

This is a chance for you to let your inhibitions go. No one here can recognize you with your costume on, so there’s little chance of repercussion later. And if you want to take your costume off a little later on… well, you can always just keep your mask on. So go ahead, ask someone to dance. Have fun. And let go.]

!open log, rating: nc-17

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