Is It REALLY All About Me?

Nov 26, 2003 16:18

"Back beat, the word is on the street that the fire in my heart is out..
I'm sure you've heard it all before," And you know I've always had a doubt...

Life... What is there left for me to say at this point? I find myself drawn in... and drawn out... in the in... and in-between...

And so here I find myself... Lost in thought, lost in literature, and the ethics of life...

I mean, what else is there for me to say or do when being mentally bombarded by the theories of Niche and Hiegel and that of the extraordinary man.. -In which embodies the idea of being above society -It's views, laws, and both social and intellectual standards...

Man, in theory and reality, is not one of selfless character but of selfish instinct, -For everyone is not out to get everyone else... But, in for themselves...

No act is a selfless deed... Humans are born with the instilled survival instinct to do what is best for themselves...

One gets self-gratification from any act... One may gain nothing from it, and yet, -It still makes them happy to have made someone else feel the same way as they do now... -It's quite the indirect selfish and subconscious-longing route don't you think?...

But of course, one does come across the virtuous and Holy person every now and then, -Who will do something without expecting anything in return and frankly does not care to fulfill their own self-gratifying moment... And that person, is of the rarest of people to find...

Now, is it worth making yourself happy through the expense of someone else?... That is the key in determining whether someone is completely selfish and self-centered or holds some form of moral compassion towards the nature of our human race...

But really, is it even fair to even make a judgement like that anyway?... To determine whether something is right or wrong? Isn't it all just a societal view that has structured our beliefs and way of life?...

Maybe the way to live is not for the greater good of all of mankind, but for the greater good of yourself... No matter what you may bring yourself to do...

Life is composed of trial and error... If you never make any mistakes, then you'll never TRULY learn anything for fear of losing the stability you've created for yourself through your actions...

And maybe the key to breaking the habit, that self-created mold, is to break through the barriers of time and start making mistakes...

But, what if the risk itself falls within the very conformity that has been condemned once before? It'd be quite the ironic circumstance huh?

Welcome to My World

No Substitutes!

"All the roads we Have to walk are Winding...
And all the lights that LEAD us there are BLINDING..."
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