Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit Of Passion...

Oct 08, 2003 16:16

With a Head Full of Pain and a Heart Full of Stress... I sit... I contemplate... and then, I think again...

What is life without Passion? Without drive? Is it truly worth living if there is nothing you feel strongly about, -have Passion for? Actions should not be made unless they are linked with Passion to some extent... in some form... -One way or another...

If you're not "gung-ho" about it, (as my fellow Fox-Mar-er would say), then is it really worth taking the risk?

So, in reference to that, -When you do something, don't do it just TO do it, but because it's what every part, -every inch, -every last drop of you, wanted to do...

Don't just settle in fear of not finding something in the future... Take the risk and don't... -Settle that is...

Conformity, for all that it's worth, is one of the greatest human flaws to exist in our natural realm...

What experience is gained from settling in comparison to living... -To Living with Passion? What goals, aspirations, or will does a person with conformity seek to accomplish, -To Find?

It's ALL relative and intertwined...

If there's doubt, then it's truly not what's in you now is it? -There's doubt in every step you take towards change, but it's Passion that relieves you from regretting what it is that you did...
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