Marf marf howdy

Jan 24, 2010 13:19

Well im back inVA (thank god) trying to find a job in a suck ass job market and trying not to go stir crazy in this house. So yes lady's and gents im alive and kicking. Just loking for employment and suck so i can get my husky butt back in school, yes i still want to work in networking, and work at home with a server so all i have to do is make sure that the green lights stay green. While ooking for work im also looking for opertunites to volenteer and suit while doing so. I've been wearing it to keep warm while in a house thats kept at 63 and i can tell you i love it i want to do it more. Anyway if you have a job to offer or you have an oppertunity to suit and you'd like a big pink husky to tag along let me know ^_~
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