New Journal...

Sep 18, 2002 18:49

HeY! This is my new old one (angelicdevil69) got...well...old. Like my old journal, this one is to be "friends~only" as well. If you would like to be able to read my journal, then let me know, and i will add you. If you wish to do the same, that is spiffy. Here's a bit about me...

My name is Emily,but most call me Emmie. I am a sixteen year old female who lives in Va Beach, Va. No matter what tourists tell you..this place is boring. But i guess i have to attribute that to the fact that me and my friends have done everything there is to know. I am in a long~term relationship with a wonderful guy. His name is Jonathan (aka Jon). I have a TON of wonderful friends, and they know who they are (KHS and IRHS). There is a picture of me on my website...feel free to browse around (sorry there isnt much to it). I guess there really isnt much to life is usually pretty interesting, and not all my journals are this..well..formal. More later...


Props to Tracie!
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