Sunday was my regular ACG sewing bee, this time at
luv2costume's back-of-shop in Penrith. The trip out was the best ever! I got there less than 1.5 hours from leaving home, sadly my trip home took a full 2 hours.
Anyways, it was a bit odd that all 3 of us that could make it were wearing red shirts. {nods} I was very relieved it wasn't an episode of Star Trek.
I worked on my stays, and had a moment of real frustration that the tips I got for the cut steels were too small. {foreheaddesk} I may have contemplated stomping & burning the seemingly doomed stays, but instead packed that away and as soon as I got home ordered more in the next 2 sizes up. I'd rather get a size that doesn't work along with the size that does, than at the end of this week order another set cos I guestimated wrong again. When it's less than $2 for a dozen why quibble.
I got the neck tape finished on one of the chemises and went to insert sleeves/side seam on the 2nd fine linen chemise when I realised I hadn't finished the shoulder seams. Put the 2nd chemise to one side and got out the 1790s jumps and cut out the lining. Then started assembling that together I've got the tabs to sew on the side & back sections and then turn inside out. I'm going to apply casing tape for the steel bones rather than leave openings to insert after stitchin channels. I had to make them a few inches smaller as I've lost weight since this time last year. :) So in a way glad that it took so long to finish them
I'm also sooking in my brain that so much is still to do, but counting on the easter long weekend prior to JAFA to help me get stuff done.
Oh, and I also bought different blue voile for the 1799 orientalism. It's still more royal blue than I'd like, but less intense. I'll give away the first blue stuff and be done with it.
Oh, decluttering ... the pink neoprene cover I bought for my Kobo eReader that had a petrol smell that I hoped would outgas. It hadn't by the 2 month mark (ie a few weeks ago) so I thought "oh well put it in the donations box". But forgot to take it to the charity shop the last drop off time. Well, on Friday I gave it another sniff and the smell has gone. So now it's in my pink handbag :).
Also I came across some dark red silk satin pyjamas that a good friend brought back as a gift from a holiday in Hong Kong. Now she went on that holiday with C before she met her husband .... aaaaaand they've been married for about 15 years now. I'd never worn them to start with cos they were snug in the hip, and pjs need to be loose not grabby. I'd packed them away and every so often thought about mmmmmh silk satin pjs and would they ever fit me. I took them with me yesterday and gave them to luv2costume. A win for everyone :)