Oct 12, 2011 12:13
I remembered to buy an earlybird ticket to JAFA for next April - it's my last payday before the earlybird price ends. I was dithering about going - both this years shemozzle was too fresh in my mind and so many of the interstaters aren't coming. Not that I blame them, I'd think twice if I was having to pay for flights as well as buy food for what is presented as a catered event. My bus tickets cost around $100 return and only $30 return if I buy it early enough.
Then I realised that I do actually want the chance to finally make and wear all my planned regency wardrobe now that I have proper stays to fit them over. So if I'll be buying a ticket anyway I might as well get the early bird price.
Be prepared to see future posts on
- 1812 pink ball gown (2 years in the waiting),
- 1820s long awaited archery dress in reversed pastel tone (4 or 5 years of dithering) which I may not take as it's after Jane's lifespan.
- the 1799 wrap front dress, with a jockey hat (2 years in the planning)
- 1800 bib front dress finally finished (shhh, cut out 18 months ago)
- crazy floral diadem (not affected by weightloss, yayyy).
1820s:archery dress,
1800:bib front,
1812:pink ball gown,
1799:wrapover round gown,