Oct 07, 2011 13:36
Yesterday morning I hit the snooze button on my alarm a couple of times, and then when I was almost finished ironing my shirt for work ... I woke up! For Reals this time! Plus it was 8.20am, which is about 5 minutes before I usually leave home, and more than an hour after my alarm went off.
Yep the shirt I planned to wear did need ironing cos I'd avoided it the night before, but to actually dream that i was ironing it was a cunning ploy by my brain to get me some more sleep in the first week of Daylight Savings. I've never done that before ... dreamed I was doing something I was going to do.
Last night I put my specs on my handbag before I went to bed so I wouldn't leave them at home again. (yay for cheap spares in my desk at work).
Except when I got up this morning, the specs were on my armchair, half a room away from my handbag. At least they weren't damaged like the time a few months ago when sleepwalking I put them in the candle burner on the kitchen window sill.