dressingtable revealed

Sep 22, 2011 11:34

well it's been much longer than I'd admit in writing since the top of my dressing table was visible.  It had layers of sewing stuff, costume accessories etc that had to be sorted out (for my peace of mind).

I even took a photo as last-chael and faerie-mistress won't know what it looks like without the clutter on it.

the photos from left to right are my friend Siala's wedding, Paris' Notre Dame detail (adam and eve fully nekkid), my BFF&E's wedding and me & my sis at her wedding. The tryptic (?spelling) in front are my nephew/ sis+kids/niece.  She's taller than me now (which isn't hard I'll admit).

The book is "The Shoes of Salvation" a delightful gift from C, and the blue container with the goldfish on top is my button box :D  erm, slightly too small nowadays for my button stash.

What a relief to get it all done without just dumping it in a bag into storage.

Although I cleared it this morning before the rental inspection, cos last night I felt odd.  I had a wobbly-dizzy episode not long before I left work and it hit again while I was in the butchers.  Dunno if it was low blood sugar or low blood pressure.  By the time I got home I had a sort of numb head with a maybe-headache.  So vague. After sitting for a couple hours I went to bed & slept for an hour.  When I got up I still felt incapable of doing anything so I had a glass of rice-milk for dinner and went to bed.

Gotta go pick up shoes from the post office, try to get some proper coat hangers at Target. Kmart only had bundles of 50 wire hangers. Wire!!! FAIL DJs didn't have a single solitary hanger, not even fancy hangers.  They had ironing stations but nothing to hang your clothes on.  FAIL.

These same brick & mortar shops were part of the lobby group that campaigned against internet shopping earlier this year.  Well, I typically only buy things online that I can't get locally.  And it looks like decent coat hangers are something else I'll have to pick up from the post office.

Like 3 pairs of shoes today, from specialty shop in the UK cos of my mutantly wide feet ... discussed with chastangela &m last saturday that freckles are apparently genetically linked to neanderthal DNA. My dad was a freckled red-head and I have his feet, freckles & stocky strong build.  I only wish I had his immune system.  It amuses me to consider that my broad boxy skull, feet & hands might be less homo sapien & more neanderthal.  As I said on the day :"It's hard to be neanderthal in a homo sapien world"

happy things, sewing detritus as archeology, decluttering

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