There wasn't dancing, but there were
horsies and
birdies and friends to hang out with. I got there first, thank's to public transport and not needing to circle like a shark to find a parking spot. First thing I did was find the coffee van. Turns out there was more than one place to get coffee, but so long as I got me some and knew that CrazyCatLady would also be caffeinated the world would be OK. We have a pact that we won't meet on a weekend unless both of us have had some form of caffeinated beverage. I only mention this cos you too may not want to meet me unless I've had coffee.
For the benefit of my f-list there's a cut with more pictures from Winterfest.
I still don't have near-accurate shoes, nor a belt, nor beads to string between my turtle brooches. I'd really like to have a different wig too, cos I wore my Vala one, whereas I'd like a lighter brown or even sandy red one. Call me crazy cos I want more wigs not less of them. And little pouches to hang off a belt to carry mobile phone, ventolin and coin of the realm. You know, the essentials of life. It didn't even occur to me that I have a basket I could have used.
Here's a dark ages chorus line ... co-incidentally we're all in the
The birds of prey were back, though as usual Zorro doesn't get flown. He was born in captivity and badly treated as a young 'un (he's still an adolescent eagle) so the concern is that if he saw a silhouette of a person that he thought was the idiot who mistreated him, he'd probably attack.
Truth be told, it's a little unsettling being eyeballed by an australian wedgetail eagle, even if he's not a fully mature adult. You can almost see him assessing how easy it would be to take you down for dinner!
Molly didn't return this year, instead there were 2 other native birds, Yoko
and a little one who's name I forget.
This time I didn't get any shopping apart from lunch, though
faerie_mistress got an axe and a drinking horn.
chastangela mightn't have turtle brooches, but she still has the bling of the time and no need to contemplate wigs.
ooh and one of the reenactors has a girlfriend who's looking for a regency group in Sydney. :bounces:
Here's a link to all my photos from
Sunday at Winterfest.