Jumping on the Bandwagon...

May 04, 2008 01:06

So I finished my crack at the draw yourself as a teenager meme. xB;

(LOL @ how both pictures unintentionally have the same color scheme. And seriously, that's how long my hair actually was. You'll be glad to know I donated it to Locks of Love when the time came to chop it.)
By the end of high school, I was a lot closer to the way I am now. But really, the difference between the 2003 me and the 2008 me is that the current me is sick of being lonely and wants boys people to notice her. That's the major reason, at least. >o>;

To give you a better idea of how this evolutionary process works, this was me at the beginning of secondary school (age 11/12).

I went to an all-girls school that was snobby and elitist, and the other girls thought I was a freak for liking Pokémon as much as I did. :/
When I moved to the U.S., I suddenly befriended a group of girls who all battled/traded Pokémon together during lunch. I decided to stop caring about absolutely everything that the girls from my old school had given me a hard time over, starting with my appearance.

Eh. I quite like being girly, actually. ^^; It makes me feel better about myself.

meme, doodles, art

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