The city that never dries...

Apr 06, 2010 21:03

Belated hello from Seattle!

My god. Our trip here has definitely not gone as planned.
The short of it is: when Nic and I got to the place we were staying, we knew right away that we had to leave. We worked for a week under very stressful conditions, then we got the hell out. We've been staying at the house of one of Nic's friends since Thursday.

On the upside, we both learned some useful things about what not to do in business from the festering shitpile that is this project. We've also spent time with some amazing people. We got given an informal tour of Microsoft, went out to a couple of clubs, and solicited attention from five of the most awesome cats I have ever met. We'll miss you, kitties.

I've sent out a ton of resumes and done some fancy web design this past weekend. Nic is at an informational interview right now with a startup game company.
Honestly, the two of us are liking Seattle a lot, and are totally fine with moving up here if we can just find some work! Tech industry in the SF bay is kind of dead right now. Dx It's really sad.

P.S. - despite shoddy internet, we managed to get our hands on the latest Doctor Who episode. Best series opener ever? I am a sucker for Steven Moffat's dialogue. Also: you go, Matt Smith. Perhaps now everyone will stop giving him a hard time for not being David Tennant already? :P
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