Just a quick one to post some quiz results before I crawl under my giant pile of homework and die. xP;
Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...
You scored 45% Order/Chaos, and 42% Moral/Rational
Chaotic Rationality. You don't think much of rules and restrictions; you look at things from an analytical perspective and probably think morality is relative to some extent. Your strength lies in being able to make your own judgments and form your own strategies uninhibited by others; your weakness lies in the wariness other people may have of you, perceiving you as dangerous.
You join people like Theodore Nott, Severus Snape, and Horace Slughorn.
Take The Sorting Hat Test at
HelloQuizzy I don't think anyone perceives me as dangerous? :/
I omitted the little table that says how they calculate your test results because seeing it beforehand makes testing less reliable.
Just a little note on the accuracy - I took this test four times to see what the results would have been had I answered the questions I was on the fence about differently, and got the same house every time. (I was surprised, because they have separate results for the borderline scores and I didn't get one.)
I disagree with their idea of morality and rationality as mutually exclusive traits though, because morality ought to be the rational conclusion of right and wrong, not a set of arbitrary rules. What I mean here is: we follow rules because they work, not because they're right. We have to be able to challenge the damn things once in a while to adhere to the advancement of moral standards, which obviously vary from culture to culture and person to person. (Is this a Slytherin mentality? Seriously? If it is, no wonder Snape > everyone. Also, this is the reason I'll probably never "find" religion.)
asdfghjkl; this Japanese 110 assignment is going to be the death of me.