update on the friend thing

Oct 20, 2007 12:15

Eh, I suppose I should have seen it coming. I've known her since high school and in the past couple of years, every time we've spoke or whatever, she's had this 'holier than thou' attitude. She called me early this morning to ask if I'd do something for her. First time I've talked to her in probably a year and as soon as I said I wouldn't be able to help her out, it was like I was nothing. Just pissed me off.

So Terri can go suck an egg, I'm done. I'm loyal to a fault, but I'm just done.

My ass has arrived! LOL, the cutest critter around. Already he and my Appaloosa have met and the noise was earth shaking. Joey wasn't quite sure what to think of the donkey!

Alright, I'm done whining and crying for the day, I promise. Now if anyone's seen Halo, grab her and stick her in a box and mail her to me for Christmas. I miss her.

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