Other news

Oct 20, 2007 08:01

Just so you don't think that all I do is whine, here's a bit of what's going on in my life at the moment.

My mom's surgery went well. We had a little bit of a scare when she started seeing double afterwards, but the dr said that can be normal and it went away. Thank you to everyone that sent well wishes.

We have soccer this morning, so I have the kidlet all hyped up on sugar and caffiene... smirks. This should be amusing. The coach was passing out Mountain Dews at the last game! We won!

I'm getting an ass today. My sister had got a horse and donkey for her kids for their birthdays a couple weeks ago. Both are very gentle and the donkey can be ridden all over the place. The reason we are ending up with Pokey the Ass is because when my sister and bro-in-law turned the horse and donkey out in the pasture with the cows, all hell broke loose.

Pokey attacked several cows and it took four grown men to wrestle him off of the animals. He's apparently had a bad experience with cows. We don't have cattle here, so Pokey is going to come be a part of our farm. He'll be gelded soon as well, but he's still a sweetheart. No, I don't really worry about him attacking the youngun', she's not a cow and he's kid oriented. Hopefully, I'll remember to get some batteries for my camera and you all can see some pictures of our place.

LOL. We have an official name for our farm on the books, but we never use it, but I'll tell you all what it is. We're Possum Hollow Farm.

Okay, time for me to go get the brat wrestled into her soccer clothes. Everyone have a wonderful day!

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