Но сначала - манка.
Малколм Слессер, участник советско-британской экспедиции 1962 г. Из книги «With Friends in High Places»:
«The Russians had a completely different diet, of which tea, caviar and kasha were the main ingredients. Kasha is a porridge made from wheat flour - our semolina. It is easily digested. I now include it in my own rations.»
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Вот еще вкусный кусок в тему:
Snow fell lightly for the remainder of the afternoon. I cooked the supper. I cannot remember exactly what I cooked, but I suspect it was a hash of some kind. I am rather good at hashes. There is nothing difficult or niggling about them, no take this and take that and weigh this and weigh that; yet there is a complex grandeur in my hashes which Mrs. Beeton at her best could hardly hope to emulate. My record hash was compounded of eighteen ingredients; I remember it well because I was sick afterwards.
Cooking in a small tent is a filthy business. To begin with, it has to be performed while lying in a sleeping-bag. This affords scope for a professional contortionist, and it often happens that when balancing some tinful of liquid in an awkward and constrained position, one is seized by a violent attack of cramp. But I anticipate; first of all the stove must be lit, and not only lit but kept alight. We had a "Primus" with a burner adapted for use at high altitudes. A "Primus" is far and away the best cooker ( ... )
Прекрасно! Про примус, прям ностальжи-ностальжи.
Некоторые ощущения из описанных Смайсом совпадают, тысызыть, с воспоминаниями юности. При обретении опыта, брутальность процесса, конечно же, сильно уменьшилась.
Я сначала подумал, что это Джером про ирландское рагу пишет
Британский юмор, сэр! Тут можно было бы еще что-нибудь из Билла Тилмана ввернуть.
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