SGA Fandom wank

May 26, 2006 23:40

I'm using my Unimpressed!Daria icon deliberately, I'm warning you! And, no, I'm NOT putting this behind a cut. Spread the word, folks!

Dear fellow SGA fans,

you know, once in a while I'd like to read one of those fantastic AUs (Those Supermarket!AUs, BrainSurgeonInNYC!AUs, CrossoverSciFi!AUs, GayBartenderInAnonymousUniCity!AUs, FutureWithLifepartnerInBrasil!AUs, KidsAndWhiteFence!AUs or WerewolfAndVampire!AUs) and have it NOT MCSHEP!


Doesn't Zelenka deserve to live a happy life as an arts teacher in Paris and meet up with Sheppard in a museum every other day to chat and diss paintings, have a coffee and a shag?
     Doesn't Beckett deserve to be an Immortal and go around challenging people to a duel in eerie alleyways, win, and then find eternal love with Rodney of the McKays?
     Doesn't Sheppard deserve to get his kicks out of his beloved Ferris wheels and own a Star Wars themed one in a state fair, then stumble over new-to-the-fair-Swing-Boats-owner-Lorne who is close to puking because of a ride on the Twister his daughter made him go on and then they fall in love and buy a caravan for their family?
     Doesn't Markham deserve to live with Stackhouse on Honolulu riding the waves and sipping Pina Coladas all night long while they plan to buy a house near the shore and look up local adoption agencies?
     Doesn't Teyla deserve to be a famous and rich designer for glamorous dresses and fall in love with one of her ditzy models, the lively and eloquent Elizabeth, who's not anorexic, and they enjoy meals and beds together on their way from show to show through Europe?


Also, people? Write this!

Yours, severusslave

fic, sga

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