BSG, meme responses

Oct 21, 2006 01:14

Ok, Battlestar Galactica, are you planning on making me cry during every episode all season? You are? Alright then.

These are just brief thoughts, cause I've only watched it once. So they are rambly and disjointed, but oh well.

I lovedlovedloved the action sequences. When the Pegasus exploded after hitting the basestar, I screamed. Ok, I screamed lots of times, but still.

I cannot believe that Tigh killed Ellen. That broke my heart. And I'm really not that big an Ellen fan, but still. Poor Tigh. Tigh is my woobie.

I think my woobie Tigh needs to be BFF with Starbuck now, because they are definitely the most broken cast members after New Caprica. Poor Starbuck. The scene where the woman took Kacey... it was like a punch in the gut.

I loved the joy and celebration when everyone returned to the ship, because it was so happy, but I also really liked that we saw Tigh, Gaeta and Starbuck looking lost and unhappy, because it felt more real and true that way.

Roslin sitting in the chair... I love Laura Roslin. I am a Roslin fangirl.

I really wanted Adama/Kara, Adama/Roslin and Lee/Kara reunions, but I guess we'll have to wait till next week. Or until hell freezes over. Either way.

Great music this episode (not that that's surprising). Does anyone know where to get the music before an official soundtrack is released? I don't think I can wait that long.

This might be my favorite BSG episode ever... which is kind of a tall order. It's just that there were so many happy and wonderfully heartwarming moments contrasted with moments of despair, and I love the storylines that have been set in motion for the rest of the season.

Ok more meme responses!

for oregonblondie

Five things Jordan and Jack have in common

1. Jack and Jordan are both just a little bit (ok, maybe a lot) scornful of people who want the world to end so that they can go up in a spaceship, or maybe Jesus Christ.

2. They both think that Wilson White is kind of crazy. Powerful, shrewd and fascinating, but crazy.

3. Sometimes Jordan hates spunk, too.

4. Jack and Jordan both think that arguing is the very best foreplay, and that making up is the very best part of arguing.

5. They both think his wife is a little bit too much, sometimes.

for msbrittanydawn (I'm not sure if you're spoiled for season two, so be warned that these have spoilers in them!)

Five things Adama wishes he could have done in his life

1. Bill wishes he’d spent more time with his sons when they were small, instead of trying to advance his career. He can never get that time back, a fact he faces every time he looks at the accusation in Lee’s eyes.

2. He wishes he could have seen the sun set over the Kragos mountains on Canceron. It was supposed to be a beautiful sight, now probably nuked into oblivion.

3. He wishes he had kissed Laura Roslin before she took half the fleet and jumped to Kobol on a mad quest fueled by a drug-induced dream.

4. He wishes to hold a grandchild in his arms - that one he thinks is not impossible, if Lee gets his act together.

5. He wishes he had thrown Gaius Baltar out of an airlock when he had the chance. Sure, airlocks are Roslin’s MO, but he should get to have fun sometimes too.

Five times Laura Roslin felt guilty

1. The first time she slept with Adar, she left the hotel room at 2 am and sat on the curb outside, arms around herself, until dawn.

2. After Billy’s death Laura doesn’t leave her room on Colonial One for three days, ignoring calls from the Admiral and the cajoling of her remaining pages.

3. Sitting in the brig on Galactica, Laura questions whether sending Lieutenant Thrace to Caprica was the right choice. But her blood hums in her veins and images dance behind her eyes and she pushes the guilt aside.

4. When she handed the Cylon-hybrid to Maya all Laura could feel was guilt - guilt for deceiving Maya, guilt for not telling the Admiral the truth, and even a little guilt for the grief the Cylon Sharon must have been feeling.

5. When Tory made the call, and she gave her tacit agreement to steal the election, Laura felt like she was going to be sick. After accepting the Admiral’s congratulations she raced for the bathroom and crouched over the toilet for what seemed like hours, until Tory said that they really needed her outside.

The others are coming, promise. I'm sort of blocked on the House ones, but never fear, I will write them.

episode reaction, my fic, battlestar galactica, studio 60, meme

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