Five Things responses

Oct 20, 2006 01:41

This is such a fun meme! If you have prompts, go leave them here

for queenzulu

Five ways Meredith and Cristina were each other's person

1. After Burke’s surgery Meredith isn’t all gooey and concerned, which would make Cristina nauseated, but she does visit Burke, and she does some of Cristina’s charts so that Cristina can spend time with him.

2. Even though Cristina isn’t particularly nice about it, Meredith would never have wanted anyone but her doing the exam when they thought she was pregnant.

3. Cristina buys Meredith a drink that night at Joe’s from the money she won betting on whether McDreamy would break up her date with Finn.

4. When that blonde bimbo intern makes a crack about Meredith’s affair with McDreamy Cristina threatens to break her face, and gets George and Alex to back her up.

5. When Cristina and Burke break up during their fourth year of residency, Meredith assigns her interns to Burke indefinitely, so that Cristina can avoid him as much as possible.

for falseeeyelashes

Five Times Jack Wanted to Fire Jordan

1. Jack wanted to fire her after the first time they slept together, when she walked in the next morning with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, looking perfectly composed, and said “Good morning, Jack,” as if nothing had happened.

2. He threatens to fire her on her very first day, before she’s even officially become president. He means his threat, but he doesn’t want to fire her then. It’s not till she tells him she won’t be reasonable and cancel Studio 60’s Crazy Christians sketch that he wants to fire her. He wishes he’d known that wanting to fire her is going to be his newest emotional mainstay.

3. When she told him that “this, whatever it is, it has to stop,” Jack had wanted to fire her, hurt her so badly that he could see her crumpled face in his head. But he hadn’t, because that was sexual harassment and also because it would justify every reason she thought she had for breaking it off with him. She changed her mind the next day, and he was glad of his restraint.

4. Jack wanted to fire Jordan when her assistant gave him a sly glance and then quickly looked away without meeting his eyes after Jordan won the battle over sleazy reality TV.

5. When he realized that it was her negative qualities he found most endearing, like her selfishness, her self-absorption and her stubbornness. He still doesn’t find her charming. He finds her irresistible, and he wants her out of his head.

Five Times Jordan Thought About Quitting

1. Jordan thought about quitting when she heard that Ryan was writing a tell-all book. She thought of quitting and not dragging NBS down into the gutter with her. But that would be selfless, and she has never been that.

2. After Wilson White sides with Jack the next time around, and NBS greenlights production on a reality TV show more egregious than “Search and Destroy,” Jordan gets so far as opening the document with her resume in it before putting her head on the desk in frustration.

3. When she asks Jack if he really thinks that she’s “disarmingly seductive,” and he replies: “Yes, it’s one of my least favorite things about you.” She doesn’t quit though, because quitting would mean that Jack won.

4. When she realizes with a nasty jolt in her stomach that whenever she enters a room at NBS she immediately seeks out Jack’s eyes with her own. That when she replies to other people’s questions, she’s talking only to him. That day she gets as far as half-packing up her office.

5. When after the two years on their contract are up, Danny and Matt move on from Studio 60 to make a movie, and Jack mockingly asks whether she couldn’t think of a way to persuade them to stay.

Five Studio 60 sketches that never made it to air

1. Ricky and Ron thought they were funny, writing a sketch about Matt and Harriet’s relationship. Obviously they knew Matt would never run it, so it was just a petty personal dig. Danny wouldn’t let wild horses drag the truth out of him, but the sketch was actually kind of funny.

2. After Jordan recounted her triumph over Jack to Danny, and Danny relayed the conversation to Matt, Matt writes a sketch where Wilson White demands that Jack and Jordan start having babies together and teaching them Mandarin, to make Harriet laugh. But it circulates the set because it’s brilliant and Jack and Jordan intimidate everyone. The sketch is full of unrequited passion and crazy hijinks, and Matt almost wishes they could actually air it, but he doesn’t enjoy being unemployed, thanks very much.

3. Matt actually did write a sketch about Jordan’s teeth. It was during a supremely unfunny time for him, but even “Jenny doesn’t have a baby” beat out “Our network president has big teeth.” He’s not proud of it.

4. Matt turns Danny’s sketch suggestion about a rogue reporter who makes her storylines up and wears revealing clothes down before he’s even done pitching it. The only slightly camouflaged relationship sketches here are between him and Harriet.

5. When news of Jordan and Jack’s affair becomes public Matt writes a sketch. He writes it, because it’s expected of him to comment on current events; and for better or for worse, this is a current event. After 17 drafts of the two highest network execs running off to Tahiti together, he throws it in the trash and doesn’t mention it again. Danny, who’s been wandering around like someone kicked his puppy since he found out, doesn’t mention it either.

The other responses are coming soon!

grey's anatomy, my fic, studio 60, meme

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