House Drabble

Apr 06, 2006 20:16

Title: Hookers
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Notes: This is my first attempt at House fanfic, I hope y'all enjoy!

Cuddy gripped the doorframe for balance as she stepped over Wilson's prone form.
Turning back towards House she remarked "You're a bad friend, you know."
"You're the one who wanted to come over and have your wicked way with me. Do you think we should have let him join in?"
An eyeroll was her only response.
"What will you tell him?"
"My defining character trait." He smirked.
It was a miracle, he mused, that her eyes didn't roll right out of her head sometimes.
With that she rounded the corner, and House poked Wilson with his cane. Hard.

house, my fic

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