Five Things that Never Happened (Part 5)

Mar 17, 2006 01:10

Title: Five Things That Never Happened to Cristina Yang and Preston Burke (Part 5: You've Got to be Kidding Me)
Summary: The title really says it all.
Rating: PG-13
A/N: This is the last part, hope you've enjoyed them! As always the stories exist in separate universes from one another and are obviously all AU. Please review!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

When the stick turned blue, Cristina decided that the universe had a sick, sick sense of humor. She was pregnant again. Seriously? Seriously? Once wasn’t enough? One traumatic, out of wedlock pregnancy experience wasn’t enough bad luck or bad karma or bad whatever to be a get-out-of-jail free card? As she sat staring at the hateful white stick she decided that this time it was even worse than that time. Sure, then she had been an intern, and hadn’t even been in a relationship with the father of her child. But that had made her decision easy, the thought of keeping it had only been indulged in the furthest recesses of her mind. But now, now she was a third year resident, and had been with Burke for 4 years. This… this would require that they talk about it. It. The child. Baby. Whatever.

She leaned back against the wall heavily. Was she - were they - ready for a child? They weren’t married, they had no plans to get married … well, she amended to herself, she had no plans to get married. Lord knew she never had any idea what was happening in Burke’s head.

Her prediction was scarily accurate. Burke was thrilled about the baby, and his excitement was infectious. She became, if not thrilled, at least curious to meet this person growing inside of her.

At three months Burke tried to get her to stop working and take it easy. She laughed in his face, and so did Bailey, so he backed down. She figured that the dressing-down he got from the Chief about trying to ‘take his most talented resident away when she wasn’t even showing’ had added salt to his wounded pride, so she didn’t complain when he filled the apartment with green and yellow bassinets and toys and clothes and every sort of thing that a human being could possibly ever require. But she lost her patience when he bought her maternity clothes in pastel colors, and burned them in the fireplace. He got the message and was resigned to her wearing his scrubs and pajamas whenever she was home.

At five months Burke tried to get her to stop working and take it easy. She laughed in his face and kept him busy feeding her craving for McDonald’s French fries with chocolate sauce on them. Eventually the craving turned into the desire for sex, all the time, anywhere. She thought that they were even worse then than when they hadn’t been living together.

At seven months Burke tried to get her to stop working and take it easy. She laughed in his face, but Meredith and the Chief agreed, and Meredith helped Burke physically drag her home where they sat her down with some movies and lots of French fries. The Chief just called periodically to make sure she was parked in front of “When Harry Met Sally” instead of sneaking into OR Two to watch Burke’s valve replacement. Little did he know that she had the house calls forwarded to her cell phone. When Burke yelled at her that night she placed his hand on her stomach and the baby kicked. He left it there for the rest of the night.

At nine months, 2 days and eight hours she had them page Burke, pulling him from a typical appendectomy to witness his daughter’s birth. At least, she thought, some first year resident should get a surgery out of her personal hell.

Because giving birth? Not high on Cristina’s list of ‘fun things to do when I’m not cutting things open with a 10-blade.”

When Burke rushed into the delivery room 10 minutes later, he found Cristina calmly sitting up, eating ice cubes, and discussing that morning’s craniotomy with Meredith.
“She’s seven centers dilated,” commented the nurse on her way out. Burke took a step further into the room and looked at his girlfriend quizzically.
“I have lots and lots of drugs!” Cristina helpfully supplied. He should have guessed from the slightly dopey grin on her face.
“That’s good. Drugs are good.” He smiled at her and then nodded to Meredith.
“Dr. Grey. How’s she doing?”
“Fine, now that that epidural is coursing through her veins. 20 minutes ago I wouldn’t have put even odds on your survival. I believe the term ‘chemical castration’ was used more than once.”
Burke winced.
“I’m going to kill you,” remarked Cristina conversationally.

Burke sat down in the chair that Meredith had just vacated and took Cristina’s hand. Despite the drugs, it was going to be a long couple of hours.

Teresa Adelaide Burke was born at 5:47 in the morning. She weighed seven pounds, six ounces, and was commonly held to look exactly like her father. At least, that’s what George, Meredith, Izzie and Alex said when they burst into the room at six am, unable (according to Izzie) to wait another minute before seeing the baby.

They all cooed at Tess, who gurgled contentedly in her mother’s arms while her father hovered protectively over the pair of them. Alex commented that she was a little cross-eyed, which earned him banishment from the room by Burke.

Two days later they left the hospital, Cristina claiming that she would return to work within the week. Bailey laughed at that, and said that if she saw her before the month was out she would drag Cristina home by the hair herself.

So the new family walked out of Seattle Grace Hospital into the sunshine, arguing over who would carry the diaper bag all the way to the car.

my fic

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