In which I explain my week-long absence from LJ

Dec 01, 2005 21:34

Hector needed life support again.

So I came home last Friday to discover that Hector The Computer wouldn't work. No power, nothing. Same problem as last time, which was when his Windows was corrupted *six months ago*. Much weeping ensued. The fabulous Jen came to the rescue once again by driving me many many many kilometres to the computer shop. This time Hector needed a new power supply. Today the fabulous Jen drove me many many many kilometres away to pick him up, even though she was feeling a little sick. This is one of the reasons why Jen is so fabulous.

On the plus side, I won $100 at the nursing home raffle on Saturday, so Hector's repair is sorta technically free. I think the karma gods were smiling on me. Now I will just go through much panic every time I shut the computer down wondering if it's going to turn on again. I seriously am considering buying a new one, even though this one is only about 2.5 years old.

You would think that having a week away from computer distractions would leave me lots of free time to write, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong. However, my living room, kitchen and computer nook are pretty darn sparkling, except for the area rug because I am still a lazyass at heart.

Meanwhile Christmas is now 24 days away and I have accomplished very little. I have managed to pick up some Christmas Wish List stuff though, so I'll be mailing out packages next week. I also got a book in the mail today -- Wheeeee!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS WISH LIST. Hee. :)

Remember "Susie", the incredibly stupid chick who gave out our work number to sell her drugs? The one with the brains of a turnip? Yes, well she sits at my station before me, and one of her/my duties is Lost and Found. This is what was written on the Item Description for a reported lost article a couple of nights ago:

"poppers for 2-3 back turtle jacks cheif poppers"

Um. This is clearly not English.

I figured out that "poppers" was supposed to be "papers". "Cheif" could have been either "chief" or "chef". The rest... I am clueless. If someone could tell me why she still has a job I would appreciate it.

I think it would have been funny if somebody was really reporting lost poppers, though. Heh.

Okay. So hopefully I am back. *crosses fingers* If I missed anything exciting, let me know! And thanks to everybody who commented on the drabbles. :)

friends, fucking technology, work, holiday wish list

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