Lost - the rest of Season One

Nov 08, 2005 15:57

Random thoughts on stuff from The Extras:
Okay, so I've watched the rest of the season and the extras on the 7th disc. Woooo extras. Lots of interesting stuff. But seriously, seeing how little the creators have things planned out just fills me with forboding for this show. I mean, yeah, they say "oh we were talking and we realized we know what happens up to season five or six" -- which has to be complete bullshit, because half the characters weren't even created when they did their outline, Jack was supposed to die in the pilot, they didn't know their own characters back-stories until they actually sat down to write them, etc. I think they've probably got a very very very basic idea of where they're going, and the rest they are pulling out of their asses. Which does not bode well when the entire thing hinges on everthing coming together neatly in the end, and everything having a purpose.

Of course, the first time I watched "The Sixth Sense" I didn't catch the red clues, or that Bruce Willis' wife was talking to herself at the table, etc. *shrugs*

One other thing that stood out to me in the extras was the various discussions about Jack... and the sort of 'well he's the everyman, he's the one people relate to, he's the heart of the show' kind of sentiment being expressed. The whole thing is just very Cowlipian... I mean, how many times did we hear that about Michael Novotny, and Michael was the one character I couldn't relate to and the one character who did horrible things and just never suffered for it and never showed any remorse and grrrr *kicks Mikey*.

So look at Jack, this guy plans and participates in the torture of an innocent man... *and feels no remorse*. This is not a hero. This is not even a good person.

Sayid, on the other hand, is horrified by what he's done, and intends to leave the camp forever because of it. *hugs Sayid to bosom*

The last 8 eps
Sort of anti-climatic. The whole numbers thing appears to be way overdone, but whatever. Figure it's going to have to do with the seat numbers as well, right?

Ooooh, Michelle Rodriguez yay! Interesting that she really was on the plane -- in the two S2 eps I saw, I assumed she was lying. Wonder if the rest of The Others are just people from the back of the plane, or if they joined up with the Very Bad People Who Kidnapped Walt, or if it's two separate groups entirely.

I love the way the raft scenes were filmed, you could really feel the hope and anticipation so when the attack comes, it's really jarring.

I love that Sawyer told Jack about his chance meeting with Jack's dad in the bar. Do you think Jack would do that for Sawyer? NO WAY. Hmph.

Still love Hurley. His back-story rules. Poor guy kills himself to get on that flight. *hugs Hurley*

French Chick needs to die. Really. Maybe her and Kate can get caught in a rogue rockslide or something.

Oh man, and Charlie picks up the heroin. Charlie, Charlie. *sigh*


tv: lost

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