My 2024 Reading Journal

Jan 02, 2024 16:08

Well, there's basically no work today -- I've made $20 so far and honestly, at that point it's better to just throw in the towel and start again tomorrow instead of getting frustrated staring at a non-populating job screen.

So, Keli on DW asked to see my reading journal pages so I thought I would post them here.

I keep my journals very simple. I just love tracking! This year I went mostly with a purple theme with some Minions highlights. OF COURSE I MUST INCLUDE THE MINIONS. *ahem*

So I start off with my reading challenges. These are pages from the first two. I set up the ATY challenge sort of like a bingo card and then I use Minions stickers (YAY MINIONS) as I read for each prompt. The second one is a new challenge I've never done so I just set up with the letters. There's also another challenge I didn't take a photo of, and of course I left tons of blank pages after this for all the other ones that I'll join throughout the year.

I get creative depending on what the challenge is. For example, last year I did a Walking Dead challenge and I drew a little doodle depicting what each prompt represented. The prompt for Daryl had a bow, Rick's was a sheriff's badge, Judith's was a baby bottle, and Dale's was his RV. That was fun.

This is what I call my Rainbow of Ratings. I assign a colour for 1 to 5 stars, and then I colour in the books accordingly based on what I rate them as. It looks quite pretty in the end.

I'd love to read everyday, but of course that's not really possible. I colour in the date to acknowledge that I read that day. My goal this year is to read at least 348 days so I can beat 2023's record. :D

This will be a bar graph showing how many books I read each month.

I keep track of what books I get throughout the year. The first page is for physical books that I either buy or get from the local Little Free Libraries, as well as KU books or Stuff Your Kindle books. That first page is the carry-over from 2023. I allowed 9 pages this year.

The second page is for tracking my library books. I think I allowed 10 pages.

My series tracker, so I can keep track of how many books I have yet to read. I currently have 13 series started. LOL I use letters so that I know what type of library book they are. E = Ebook, C = physical at central library, W = physical at Waterdown (my local) library, O = physical at other library.

And last, my goals/want to read tracker. I have where to find the book, a notes section for who recced it or anything I need to know about it, a basic plot summary in case it's been on there forever and I've forgotten what the heck it's even about, and if it fits a challenge.

So those are the initial pages and then I add things throughout the year as I go. I have fun. :)

bullet journal

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