Music Monday!

Sep 05, 2022 14:04

Back when Adam Lambert was on American Idol everyone on my flist looooooooved him. I had stopped watching the show by then, but I would watch some of the performances online the next day. And I HATED him. I thought he was screechy and screamed instead of singing and did too many runs. Then the show ended and he released that entertainment song and it was awful. And I was all, "Ugh, Adam Lambert, go away."

And then he released "Whataya Want From Me" and... I liked it.

Damn you, Adam Lambert. That is exactly what I would say when he came on the radio at work, singing this song with his nice smooth non-screechy non-screamy voice and those relatable lyrics. Damn you, Adam Lambert. You made me like you.

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music: adam lambert

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