Wednesday Reading Meme

Aug 17, 2022 09:40

What I Just Finished Reading: I finished Ex-Communication by Peter Clines (review already posted) and Muffins and Mourning Tea by HY Hanna (review below)

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm reading the next book in the Oxford Tearoom Mysteries, Four Puddings and a Funeral by HY Hanna.

What I'm Planning to Read Next: This time I'm really going to read a "Z" book for ljbookbingo!

79. Muffins and Mourning Tea by HY Hanna

In the 5th book of the cozy mystery series, Gemma and the Old Biddies investigate when a young man is stabbed during the annual May Day celebrations in Oxford. Unfortunately, this one was pretty much a stinker. Gemma gets involved because her cook’s friend is the suspect, but huge info dumps from Gemma’s CID boyfriend eliminate a lot of the actual sleuthing and the bad guy was obvious from the get-go. The Old Biddies were still fun, though.

Dates Read: August 13 to 24, 2022
Page Count: 346

3 out of 5 stars

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reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, reading: wednesday reading meme, reading challenge: challenge factory, author: h

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