An Update / Let's Get Healthy?

Jun 17, 2022 11:00

So, the new computer that I got in March will not connect to the internet at all now. It says that the ethernet cord is unplugged, meanwhile I don't even *have* an ethernet cord. My computer runs off Amy's WiFi. I checked for appropriate drivers and did a few other things. Robbie doesn't know what the problem is. I called the store where I bought it and they said to call the manufacturer, which you KNOW is going to be "send it here" or "bring it here" and then wait weeks. Luckily my old computer still works -- it's just super slow mostly -- so I am using that so that I can still work. I'm a bit worried because aside from yesterday and today this week has been a write-off work-wise. Luckily I have a little bit of money put aside so I can use that for my rent.

I think on the weekend I may try resetting the new computer to factory default and see what happens. It can't hurt. If that doesn't fix the problem I'll call the manufacturer. I'm just SO glad that I didn't wait until the old computer had completely died, or I'd be so fucked right now.

When I'm stressed, I eat. So needless to say I did not eat well. And boy oh boy am I ever sore from what I did at the cemetery. It's been three days and I still have to sort of heave myself up from a chair, and if I drop something on the floor I curse because it's soooo hard to bend to reach it! Today I feel slightly better and tomorrow I am going for a walk even if I have to take it super slow.

I hope that you guys are having a great week. And this is technically the Let's Get Healthy post, even though I'm not exactly getting healthy. How did you guys do??

fucking technology, lets get healthy

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