Update / Wednesday Reading Meme

Jun 15, 2022 10:54

Yesterday's trip to the cemetery went very well. I completely misjudged the amount of time it would take me to walk from the last bus stop to the cemetery. I literally thought it would take double the time -- I must have been thinking about how long it was there and return! And then my nephew Robbie got stuck in traffic -- he lives in Niagara Falls so about a 45 minute drive away -- so in the end I got there almost 1.5 hours ahead of my sister, brother-in-law and nephew! I hadn't been able to find a trowel (Margie had all the supplies) so I had brought a spoon (!!) and a towel to kneel on, and I got to work digging out the weeds. It literally took me the entire time to clear out about 80% of it! It's just because the roots go down sooooooo far that it takes forever. And I'll go back in a few weeks and there will already be new ones sprouting. So frustrating.

Anyway, everything is all prettified now so it'll be lovely to visit. And since I can now walk without a lot of pain I'll be able to visit more often.

While visiting with Robbie I asked him about all my computer internet issues. The first thing he suggested I do is upgrade to Windows 11. He said something may be trying to access something else that it can't find because I haven't upgraded... I do not know what those somethings are but I will listen to my tech-savvy nephew. I'm trying to upgrade now. The issue? The internet connection doesn't seem to be stable enough to give the upgrade time to download. UGH. There IS a solution for that -- I can plug directly into the modem/router/whatever-it-is -- but I need Amy for that and she's gone to the States today.

Aaaaaanyway. Until this is fixed my current goal is to try to continue my regular LJ/DW posts (Music Monday, Wednesday Reading Meme, Let's Get Healthy, and my book reviews). I may be able to check flist, but yesterday when I tried to reply to the comments I had my internet would literally die every.single.time I tried to reply, so between refreshing and sometimes re-typing it took me 3-4 minutes for each reply to post. Ain't nobody got time for that.

So. I'll do my best, and sorry if I don't reply to something you send or say.

Hopefully this Windows 11 update -- if I can get it working -- will help. If not, Robbie has said that I can call him and he'll try to walk me through a few other things.

Now. Wednesday Reading Meme

What I Just Finished: Since last Wednesday I read Hot Seat by Eli Easton & Tara Lain, Your Guide To Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson, and Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines.

What I'm Reading Now: I'm almost finished The Invasion by Peadar O'Guilin, sequel to The Call. I'm really enjoying it.

What's I'm Planning To Read Next: I think next will finally be Dry by Jarrod and Neal Shusterman, because it has to get back to the library next week.


Okay, folks. Wish me luck.

fucking technology, family, wednesday reading meme

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