Catching Up

Jun 12, 2022 12:44

For the last two days my internet connection has actually been mostly stable. I'm starting to maybe hope that whatever was happening was just some kind of glitch. Taking advantage of this opportunity to try to get caught up on my flist. And here's my 101 Update that I've ignored for three weeks and one more teensy book read.

Weeks 46 to 48 - May 22 to June 11, 2022

I have been really slacking on all of my goals.

In Progress

53. Post one 5-star book per month on ATY's best book of month thread in 2022. (05/12)
May’s book was The Guncle by Steven Rowley.

83. Bike 30 minutes 4x/week for 2 months (04/32)
05-29-22 - biked 31 mins / 7.9 kms
05-31-22 - biked 30 mins / 7.6 kms
06-01-22 - biked 30 mins / 7.8 kms
06-03-22 - biked 30 mins / 7.6 kms

87. Complete 3 additional Conqueror Challenges (00/03)
Cote D’Azur (99.9/161)
05-22-22 - walked 5 kms
05-25-22 - walked 7.1 kms
05-28-22 - walked 2.9 kms
05-29-22 - biked 7.9 kms and walked 3.9 kms
05-30-22 - walked 7.8 kms and 4.1 kms
05-31-22 - biked 7.6 kms
06-01-22 - biked 7.8 kms
06-02-33 - walked 4.6 kms
06-03-22 - biked 7.6 kms
06-05-22 - walked 3.2 kms
06-08-22 - walked 2.3 kms
06-09-22 - walked 2.6 kms
91. Take 6 free online courses (1/6)
* I’ve done all I can with the first challenge. It was not very successful for me because I felt that I didn’t learn much, though some of the activities were interesting.

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at (242,000/500,000)
* Donated 1,000 grains of rice.

95. Order in from 10 different places. (04/10)
* Fish and Chip Shoppe. What was I thinking?

100. Complete 52 Week Savings Challenge (23/52)
* Week 20 to 23 complete ($28 survey money / $9 paycheque / $11 paycheque)

56. Your Guide To Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson

This slim volume literally took me 25 minutes to read, and that was me being generous and taking time to look at the illustrations. It’s a humorous idea, highlighting all the places and people one should avoid if you end up in a Murder Village. But most of the thoughts are no more than a paragraph long, and some are only one or two sentences. This could have been expanded upon significantly. It just doesn’t live up to its potential.

Date Read: June 11, 2022

3 out of 5 stars
Page Count: 128 pages

Goodreads Around The Year Challenge 42 - language or nationality in title
Four Moon Challenge 12 - less than 3 colours on cover
LJ AlphaBook Challenge - “Y”
Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge 2A: author’s initials in “Pump Up The Jam” - 200 points
Lost Challenges Read The Quote 2022 - “V” - Village

I had planned to go for a nice long walk today, but it rained all morning and it's supposed to thunderstorm this afternoon. It's lovely out now, though. Wondering how much I want to risk getting caught in a storm...

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: book bingo, reading challenge: goodreads, author: m, 101 things in 1001 days

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